A Comprehensive Guide to Plotting and Interpreting Histogram with Python Seaborn

density plot
data visualization
data science
machine learning

Adejumo Ridwan Suleiman

seaborn histogram

Working with numerical data helps us understand the distribution of values in a numerical variable. This gives us a sense of the frequently occurring values and how these values vary from each other. It also highlights the presence of extreme values in a variable, if any.

In this article, you will learn how to plot a histogram using Seaborn, a Python library built on Matplotlib for statistical data visualization. You will also learn how to customize and interpret your histogram plots to derive precise insights from your data.

What is a Histogram?

A histogram is used to plot numeric data. It splits a numeric variable into various equal ranges known as bins and plots the total number of observations that fall under each bin as bars. These bars are adjacent to each other, with no space between them. This differs from a bar plot that plots the frequency of categorical data, with space between the bars.

an image showing the difference between a histogram and a bar plot

Difference between histogram and bar chart. Source: Syncfusion

Building a Histogram with Seaborn

We will build our histogram using the tips dataset in the seaborn library. This dataset contains information about tips received by a waiter over a period of months. Before proceeding, ensure you have imported the pandas, Seaborn, and Matplotib libraries.

import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Let’s view the columns in the dataset.

tips = sns.load_dataset('tips')

image showing a preview of the tips dataset

Preview of the tips dataset. Image by Author.

We will use the histogram to answer questions from our dataset regarding the tip variable, such as:

  • What is the distribution of the tip?
  • What is the highest and lowest tip amount received?
  • What is the tip amount most frequently received by the waiter?
  • Is there a difference between the distribution of tips from female and male customers?

Creating the histogram

To build a seaborn histogram, you need to use the sns.histplot() function. The following are the key arguments to provide:

  • data: the pandas dataframe.
  • x: the variable of interest in the data.
  • color: the color of the bars.
  • alpha: the transparency of the bars.
  • bins: the number of bins in the histogram.
  • binwidth: the width of each bin.
  • kde: A boolean to add a kernel density estimation
  • hue: to differentiate data subset based on another variable

Use the following code to build a simple histogram for us to start with, adding title and axis labels to the plot.

sns.histplot(data=tips, x='tip')
plt.title("Distribution of tips received by the waiter")
plt.xlabel("Tip amount")

image of a simple seaborn histogram plot

A simple histogram that shows the distribution of tips given to the waiter. Image by Author.

Enhancing the histogram

You can improve the histogram by providing some of the arguments explained in the previous section.

Adjusting bin sizes and width

Currently, the default number of bins is set to auto based on the number of observations, and the bandwidth is set to None by default.

  • Note

    Using a bin width overrides the bins argument.

Let’s increase the number of bins by giving a higher value, say 100.

sns.histplot(data=tips, x='tip', bins=100)

Alternatively, you can set the binwidth to 0.1, you will still get the same plot.

sns.histplot(data=tips, x='tip', binwidth=0.1)

image of a seaborn histogram with an adjusted number of bins or binwidth.

Adjust the bin size or bandwidth to spread or thin the distribution. Image by Author.

Changing the bin color

To set the bin’s color, add a value to the color argument. Let’s give the histogram the color green.

sns.histplot(data=tips, x='tip', color="green")
plt.title("Distribution of tips received by the waiter")
plt.xlabel("Tip amount")

image of a seaborn histogram with a green color

Add a color to the histogram. Image by Author.

Add a Kernel Density Estimation (KDE)

To ease interpretation, we can set the kde argument to True. This will apply a kernel density estimation that smooths the histogram points, revealing the shape of the distribution.

sns.histplot(data=tips, x='tip', color="green", kde=True)
plt.title("Distribution of tips received by the waiter")
plt.xlabel("Tip amount")

image of a seaborn histogram with the kde set to true

Set kde to true. Image by Author

Add grouping variables

You can add a grouping variable to the histogram to see the distribution for each respective group. For example, let’s group the histogram by sex by adding a sex group to the hue argument to see the distribution of tips given by male and female customers.

  • Note

    This is going to override the color argument you specified earlier.

sns.histplot(data=tips, x='tip', color="green", kde=True, hue="sex")
plt.title("Distribution of tips received by the waiter")
plt.xlabel("Tip amount")

image showing the seaborn histogram grouped by sex

Add a group variable to the histogram. Image by Author.

Interpreting Histograms

Interpreting a histogram is not difficult, especially once you use the kernel density estimation on the plot. The highest bars are the frequently occurring values and the highest points on the kernel density plot are the highest bars. We can deduce from our histogram that the most frequent amount of tips received by the waiter ranges from $2 to $3.

image showing frequently occuring values in the seaborn histogram

Identifying frequently occurring values through the plot peak. Image by Author.

The tail of the kernel density plot indicates extreme values. The longer the tail, the more extreme values present in the data are. This tail is referred to as a skew. A long tail to the left means the distribution is left-skewed. A long tail to the right means the histogram distribution is right-skewed, just like in the case of our plot. This means the waiter received tips above $6 from a few customers.

image showing the skewness of the seaborn histogram

Identifying the skewness of the histogram plot. Image by Author.

The difference between the two kernel density plots also tells us that male customers give higher tips to the waiter than female customers, though the number of male customers is greater than that of female customers. The minimum tip the waiter receives is $1, while the highest is $10.

image showing the difference between the two KDE plots in the seaborn histogram

Difference between the two KDE plots. Image by Author.

Best Practices when Creating Histograms

A histogram is a powerful plot that can tell you much about your numeric variables. Here are some best practices to ensure you craft accurate and precise histograms.

  • Choose an Appropriate Bin Size: When choosing a bin size, try various values and ensure that the selected bin size conveys as much information as possible.
  • Label Axes: Ensure you provide informative labels when labeling your axes to help your viewers understand the plot.
  • Use Contrasting Colors: When comparing groups, use contrasting colors to make it easy to identify group differences.
  • Use Legends: When working with group variables, it is advisable to have a legend to identify the group and their respective colors in the plot.
  • Use Consistent Bin Widths: When setting bin width size, ensure your bin width is consistent throughout to avoid distorting the information conveyed by the plot.


When conducting predictive analysis on a dataset with numerical variables, it is crucial to view the distribution of these variables to identify outliers. This is where a histogram comes into play. You can use a histogram to see how the values in a variable are dispersed from each other, making the histogram a very important plot for exploratory data analysis.

In this article, you have learned about histograms and how to build and interpret them using the Seaborn library in Python. If you want to learn more about histograms, here are some valuable resources.

How to Read Histograms: 9 Steps (with Pictures)

Interpreting Histograms

Everything about Density Plot

Shapes of Distributions: Definitions, Examples

Measures of shape

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